Next Event ---> Lakehills Artisan Village & Produce
Saturday February 8, 2025
124 Center Street, Lakehills TX
You are more than welcome to call or text for goodies
in between events - The cell is 210-260-2323
Last Updates :: Monday January 13, 2025
Updated available quantities after last even on Sat Jan 11, 2025

Our Family
Our Ladies
Our Ducky

Ducky & DiNozzo !! Born February 1, 2020
We have had laying chickens since 2014. I started noticing that people at the Farmers' Market were asking for duck eggs. They said they were allergic to chicken eggs. Also, one employee at Tractor Supply told me he actually prefers duck eggs. So, I decided to try raising & keeping ducks for duck eggs !!

Ducky & DiNozzo !! Picture taken April 1, 2020
Their feathers have grown enough to cover their bodies, so time to take away the heat lamps & put them in their semi-permanent home !!
Sadly, DiNozzo is no longer with us :(

Ducky is a GREAT form of pest control ! She loves to eat bugs of all kinds !!

Ducky's first egg! She laid it on August 12, 2020 !! It is almost twice as big as our Ladies' Jumbo Chicken Eggs !!

Ducky totally took over the dogs' water bowl !
Ducky & Rooster Cogburn became best friends !!

Ducky lays an egg every morning !! We have eaten a couple. They taste like chicken eggs. But they are much bigger and more dense ( thicker, not as runny )
as chicken eggs.