Next Event ---> Lakehills Artisan Village & Produce
Saturday February 8, 2025
124 Center Street, Lakehills TX
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Last Updates :: Monday January 13, 2025
Updated available quantities after last even on Sat Jan 11, 2025

Freeze Dryed Eggs
My Harvest Right Freeze Dryer is the small one with only 3 trays.
One tray will hold either 12 whole eggs, or 24 egg whites, or 24 egg yolks. Also, the freeze dryer tilts backward so that the dryer drains properly after the process is complete. So, I fill my trays, then put in the deep freeze overnight, so that the eggs do not spill out into the dryer.
Here is how I freeze dry eggs:
( 1 ) Whip up 12 eggs, pour into the first freeze dryer tray, put in deep freeze overnight.
Separate 24 eggs, gently whip up the yolks, pour into the second tray, put in deep freeze overnight.
Gently whip up the whites, pour into the third tray, put in deep freeze overnight.
( 2 ) Next morning, put all three trays in the freeze dryer, start the process, it will run about 36 hours.
( 3 ) After freeze drying is complete, put the whole eggs in food processor to process fine.
Pour into a 28 ounce canning jar, add an oxygen absorber, and store in dark pantry.
Repeat with egg yolks, using a second 28 ounce canning jar & oxygen absorber.
Repeat with egg whites, using a third 28 ounce canning jar & oxygen absorber.
( 3 ) To re-hydrate the whole eggs, use two tablespoons hot water per egg.
There were 12 eggs, so measure out 1/12. Use in baking, or use for scrambled eggs or in omelets.
To re-hydrate either the egg yolks or egg whites, use one tablespoon hot water per yolk or white.
There were 24 so measure out 1/24. Use in baking.
Limed Eggs
The Ladies do not lay many eggs in the winter. So I am usually short of eggs in the winter & end up buying eggs to make up the difference.
However, their production really picks up in the summer so much so that I cannot possibly use them all. I find myself either selling eggs, or giving them away. Now, thanks to my friend & bro Rick Lacy, I will try liming extra eggs in the summer so that we have winter eggs. Here is how to lime eggs:
Purchase Pickling Lime ( calcium hydroxide ) from either Amazon or the canning section of the local grocery store.
Use only fresh eggs - less than 24 hours old. Make sure there or no cracks.
Do not wash the eggs, because this washes the "bloom" off the shells. Obviously, store bought eggs won't work.
Mix one ounce calcium hydroxide per one quart of room temperature water.
Fill container with eggs.
Pour the lime solution into the jar over the eggs. Make sure the eggs are completely submerged.
Cap the jar tightly, and store in the canning room, or a cool dry location, for up to 2 years.
When I need an egg, just pull one out, rinse well, and use.
Pickled Eggs
Ingredients per 1 Quart Jar:
12 hardboiled eggs, peeled, and placed into a sterilized quart jar
3 cups vinegar - can use white or cider
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 garlic clove
1 tablespoon pickling spice - I make my own from the Ball Book preserving recipes
You could possibly add other herbs if desired
Combine all ingredients - except eggs - into large pan, bring to rolling boil for 10 minutes. The liquid will reduce a little.
Cool this brine to room temperature, then pour into the jar.
Make sure the eggs are completely submerged.
Seal tightly with a lid, and store in the canning room, or a cool dry location, for up to 6 months.
Once open, the jar should be refrigerated.